Monday, June 18, 2007

The Roberts Family

Since I started this blog I thought I'd start by posting something so everyone who is not familiar with a blog will see how it goes. We just moved into our second fixer upper home this last year. Ryan likes to buy old homes and then fix them up. It has been a challange, but yet rewarding. Ryan is staying busy in the plumbing business. Things have been really busy for them the last few years. I recently quit my job and am staying home with Warner. He is a full time job himself, but I love it. As for Warner what can I say!! He is the highlight of our lives. He makes us laugh all the time. He is always up to something. His first words have been mom and shoes. A boy after my own taste!! He is almost 18 months now. Crazy how time flies. Anyway enough about us! I hope all is well with everyone. Love, Charlyn


Sylvia said...

Hi everyone!

We're testing this blog thing to see what we have to do. Paul is the technology guy, not me. Tell you more later if we figure it out.

Unknown said...

Hi Sylvia,

I'm so glad you checked it out!! Once you guys accept the invitation and set up a user name you can start posting pictures and whatever you would like!

David said...

Charlyn -- Great idea. I hope that everyone gets the word about this. Thanks for setting it up.

Dave (Kennedy)

Unknown said...

Hey Dave...send me your email and I will add you as a user so you can start posting. I hope it works too! I miss knowing what's going on in everyones lives.

Dan Kennedy said...


Can you set me up too.
